Please select the microarray platfrom of your data:
Steps below will be based on the platform you selected.
Choose the microarray platform you want to compare:
Choose the type of your data:
Please upload your own data.
The samples you upload with be colored red in the resulting PCA plot.
Notice: Only accept csv files are supported
Change your group name below (or leave as is to use the default value):
Each group will have a different color.
Press "Add group" to add another group and "Delete group" to delete the last group below.
A maximum of 3 groups is available
At least 4 cell lines or clinical samples must be selected
Please select the datasets and related cell lines you want in each of the datasets.
Cell line datasets:
Clinical datasets:
please select the cell lines you want:
Please select the primary site or primary histology you want.
Additional filter:(default is "All Selected")